7 thoughts on “10.2%”

  1. “What a failure that guy was.”

    I like your sarcastic wit, Adrian. At least through your sarcasm you acknowledge the greatness of Reagan.

    And sure enough, it wasn’t until after Reagan raised taxes on the rich, bailed out banks, appointed a pay czar, took over car companies, attempted a hostile takeover of 1/6th of the US economy, and went on a mission to enlarge the US government to epic proportions did the American economy turn around begin to enjoy the economic prosperity that came later in his presidency.

    People tend to forget those little details.

  2. George,

    Methinks Adrian is too stupid to understand how stupid he is that he cant understand his stupidity. The guy would lose a Stupid Pageant for being too stupid.

  3. Sound like he hadn’t even been born by 1983 …. all those Kos talking points and revisionist history whirling around in his brain. Didn’t live thru the Carter gas lines and malaise. But oh – that’s right, don’t confuse me with the facts.

  4. Alberto- te la comiste.

    Gigi- I lived through Carter, and my dad lost his real estate business during that wonderful and prosperous time. Ergo, Jimmah is a dirty word in my house. And I don’t like PEANUTS!

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