World On Fire…

First, the unfortunate faces of the foreign policy Obama has built in three years in the Muslim world…


Next, I see Ziva posted: Breaking: University of Texas orders evacuation, citing ‘threats’

Drudge Report has since added these: North Dakota State University evacuated after bomb threat...

'Unspecified' threat at Valparaiso University...


Also of interest during this uprising are the Pope’s travel plans. He landed today in Lebanon, and then is scheduled to head to Iran. I am just not seeing it covered in the news, even on FOX. You would think with all that is going on in that neck of the world…

Via Drudge Report:


Protesters smash windows, set fires at embassy in Tunisia…


Report: German embassy in Sudan on fire…

Clashes intensify near US embassy in Cairo…

Embassies on high alert as protests spread…

Crowd in Lebanon torches KFC…


Marines on Ground in Yemen as Mobs Attack Embassies in Tunisia, Sudan

8 thoughts on “World On Fire…”

  1. If the president were a Republican now, the MSM would absolutely see to it that this would cost him the election. There’s not even the slightest doubt of that. So what is the MSM doing instead? And what does that mean? We all know the answer, and it’s VERY scary.

  2. We’ll see asombra,

    The MSM may be able to cover Obama for so long. This current situation can quickly spin out of control and nail the coffin of the Obama reelection campaign.

  3. Good Lord! The world really is on fire. Previously, although I never wish the US bad luck, I could smirk at all of Obama’s stupid “smart diplomacy”, however this is so beyond the ken, I certainly can’t feel like smirking. What is happening is no surprise considering the policies our government has been following, but is absolutely horrible. But it seems that only the right minded (or correct minded) media is covering the mideast happening in the manner it deserves. As I was typing this I clicked on to huffpost-their leading article is about the Wisconsin Union Laws…what? We really are in an alternate reality. Does the MSM not see how ridiculous they are?? And as asombra and others have said-imagine if this were a Republican president.

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