Official Cholera Statistics in Cuba: It just doesn’t pass the smell test

Via Notes from the Cuban Exile Quarter:

Official Cholera Statistics in Cuba: It just doesn’t pass the smell test.

Does anyone believe the statistics provided by the Cuban government on the cholera outbreak?

Cholera and totalitarianism: A dangerous combination

The Pan American Health Organization has generated a report using official data provided to it that does not make sense. Cholera is making a big impact in Haiti with 669,645 cases and 8,224 fatalities and neighboring Dominican Republic reports 30,671 cases 454 fatalities. Meanwhile, even though reports indicate that cholera has spread across Cuba from the east to Havana in the worse outbreak since the 19th century the official number of cases is 98 cases and apparently no fatalities according to this report.

Meanwhile PAHO’s only mention of tourists contracting cholera are 5 cases from Cuba.

Continue reading HERE.

2 thoughts on “Official Cholera Statistics in Cuba: It just doesn’t pass the smell test”

  1. Official statistics, like everything else, are a means to an end, and the end is to protect and uphold Castro, Inc. Any and all lies, distortions and omissions that serve that end are considered perfectly justified and WILL be employed. Case closed.

  2. But it is nothing but deception to say there is a cholera epidemic in Cuba. It is in the service of harming the wonderful Castros and the Cuban people. The U.S. propaganda arm isn’t satisfied with harming them with the embargo; they have to add to their corruption and evil by setting off alarms and trying to scare people away from visiting this glorious island paradise with its perfect hospitals.
    But just as the embargo will not keep people away, this won’t work either. Pleasure seekers will not be scared off.
    Take that U.S. Your lies don’t work anymore.

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