Hey MTV (and Cuba, North Korea, Putin) – Twerk You!

In The Daily Caller, our good friend Rick Robinson lets out a hearty “Twerk You!’ to some deserving characters:

Hey MTV — Twerk you!

Someday in the not-too-distant future, a music writer will author a coffee table book entitled August, 2013, remembering this moment in time as pivotal in the history of pop culture. Glossy pictures of a misunderstood female performer will adorn slick pages filled with lofty praise in tribute to the shift she caused in the paradigm of performance art.

The book will not be about Miley Cyrus’s twerking (for us old rockers, read: dry humping), or what she did with a foam index finger at the annual MTV Music Awards.  Instead, the book will highlight the life and horrendous death of singer Hyon Sung-wol.

A South Korean Newspaper reported that this week North Korea’s communist dictator, Kim Jong-un, executed a dozen members of the Unhasu Orchestra – including Jong-un’s former girlfriend, singer Hyon Sung-wol – as their relatives and musicians from three other pop bands were forced to watch. Following the firing squad, the on-lookers were all sent to concentration camps.


Several members of the female punk rock band Pussy Riot remain in Russian jails for musically advocating a popular uprising against the government at a concert in Red Square. Apparently, a lyrical call for revolt nearly a century after the people’s revolution gets you 20 years in a Russian jail.

Down in Cuba, Castro’s thugs are still harassing Gorki Aguila, front man for Porno para Ricardo, who was violently arrested earlier this year as he attempted to release his new CD.

If you want to be outraged by music, at least show you have a soul. Pull up Barry McGuire’s Eve of Destruction on YouTube and play it loud. Shout out “Long Live Hyon Sung-wol.” At the top of your lungs scream, “free Pussy Riot and free Gorki.”

Read it all HERE.

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